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Dependable volunteers are needed to read newspapers and other current print material over the sub-carrier radio channels for visually impaired or other print disabled persons. Volunteers who read live must be dependable and ready to go on the air at an exact time. They follow formats and watch the clock carefully. Readers who tape record their assignments have a little more flexibility, but still must be prompt and dependable. Other volunteers are needed to deliver radio receivers to new listeners and for clerical duties from time to time.
We are on the air seven days a week. With this schedule, we keep our regular volunteers busy. Because people have family obligations, demanding jobs, vacations, illnesses, car trouble and other reasons for being absent, we keep a list of active substitutes. When you first begin reading, you will be on the substitute list until there is an opening for a regular assignment. Of course, if you prefer to stay on the substitute list — and many people do — you will still be a valuable part of our volunteer staff. Our organization is unique because all of the services we offer are provided by volunteers. One paid staff member is available to assist and enable, but the actual performance of service is carried out by volunteers.
Readers do not need a background in radio broadcasting or announcing. Our readers are teachers, doctors, secretaries, homemakers, students and retired people from all walks of life. They need not have a broadcaster's voice, but they do need to have a clear, pleasant voice without any distracting accents or noticeable speech impediments. They should be able to read smoothly, with good expression and no editorial comments. Those wishing to be readers will be asked to audition by reading select newspaper articles and pronouncing a list of words and names. Basic training using the equipment is provided.
If you would like to audition to be a volunteer reader or help in other ways, call the Owl Radio office at (210) 829-4223 or download an application to print and fill out for mailing.
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